Monday, October 13, 2008

Out and About

Revelie spent the full day Saturday out and about. First, playing "example baby" for Karen and Tony, then at the Gate with daddy and mommy's friends Matt and Cori and future suitor Tucker Chmielecki.


Jennette said...

"Example Baby" would look good on a t-shirt.

M. Brick said...

So that's where y'all were watching Colt dominate. Looking now at this picture of The Gate, I can envision the crisp New York Autumn moving in, deep brown beers at hand as Guinnesss season nears, darling Revelie taking in the scene while that dangerous older boy, the rebel Destructor, wreaks havoc. Miss y'all -- cmb.
ps In your post, 'f Matt' is a typo, right? If not, solidarity, bro. F Matt. And his Giants too.

The Family Geiger said...

My little niece. Oh she is so delicious. I love Mike's narrative setting the scene for Saturday. Sounds like a great day.